Tree Frog Earth Mulch

Like other mulches, Tree Frog Earth mulch serves various purposes in the garden. It suppresses weeds, neatens the appearance of landscape beds, conserves water and diminishes soil erosion. In choosing which mulch to use, consider how often you want to replenish the mulch, the presence of insects in your garden, your budget, soil quality and environmental conditions such as rainfall levels.

Tree Frog Earth mulch creates an airy, light layer over soil. Its fine texture works best with smaller plants such as annuals and perennials, mulch is best used in beds that contain larger plants, bushes and trees due to its heavy, denser nature.

Our process is done with only natural additives, making it a safe product for the environment, kids, and pets.


When it comes to your garden, flower beds, or backyard, you’ll find that a layer of Tree Frog Earth mulch is the quickest way to refresh the look of your outdoor space. Tree Frog Earth mulch easily beats bare soil to look at, but Tree Frog Earth mulch has far greater benefits than just curb appeal!

  • Cuts annual weed growth by up to 90%, reducing labor needed for weeding
  • Less or no herbicide needed, and protects the environment from the application of herbicide
  • Helps retain moisture in soil, cutting the cost of irrigation and making your landscape drought tolerant
  • Protects plant roots from the sun’s heat, making the root environment more conducive to growth
  • Controls soil erosion from heavy rains or heavy irrigation
  • Natural mulch decomposes over time and forms beneficial soil amendment